Supplying manufacturers

Molds for quality block products






We will support your need to supply quality block for residential and commercial products. Our experience in designing and building molds over 20 years means we can manufacture molds and parts to allow you to provide a wide range of quality and variety, giving you the capability of offering new and desirable choices to your customers.




Mold licensing







We can provide you with molds and forms in order to produce various of our block designs under license. This can give you the ability to grow your business and make the most of opportunities available to you in your operations and relationships, while taking advantage of our best in class mold designs that produce quality product.

View further details on our molds here:




Unique product







NessTech provides you with a range of product that can make you stand out in your offerings.

Along with the more traditional block finishes we offer a growing range of attractive and uniquely finished blocks that allow the customer more choice in the look of their project.


NessTech Concrete Molds, Inc.
6290 Highway 36 Boulevard N.
St. Paul, Minnesota 55128-1408


ph: 651.777.4511








Retaining Walls



Outdoor Living


About NessTech

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